Highfields Capital Management News

Delta Lloyd Says It Didn’t Offer Incentives to Get Support for $738M Rights Offer

Delta Lloyd NV said it didn’t offer any fees or “goodies” to Fubon Financial Holding Co., one of its largest shareholders, in exchange for support for a 650 million-euro ($738 million) rights offer. “Delta Lloyd has not granted any incentives …

Update: Delta Lloyd Shareholders Approve Contested Plan to Raise $720M

Delta Lloyd NV rose to the highest since December after shareholders approved a contested plan to raise 650 million euros ($720 million) in a rights offer to improve its capital levels. The stock gained as much as 6.6 percent in …

Update: Delta Lloyd Rejects Demand from Top Shareholder to Delay Rights Offer

Delta Lloyd swiftly rejected a demand from top shareholder Highfields Capital to postpone a vote on a 650 million euro ($706 million) rights issue the Dutch insurer says is the only way it can comply with new European capital requirements. …

Largest Delta Lloyd Shareholder, Highfields, Will Vote Against Rights Offer

Highfields Capital Management LP, the largest shareholder in Delta Lloyd NV, will vote against the Dutch insurer’s plan to raise 650 million euros ($706 million) in a rights offer it called “unnecessary.” “Their actions are so detrimental to shareholders, and …