Holden Matthews News

Louisiana Arsonist Gets 25 Years for Torching 3 Black Churches

A Louisiana man who admitted to burning down three predominantly African American churches to promote himself as a “black metal” musician has been sentenced to 25 years in prison and ordered to pay the churches $2.6 million. U.S. District Judge …

Man Pleads Guilty to Burning African American Churches in Louisiana

The aspiring ‘black metal’ musician who was arrested in a series of fires set at African American churches in Louisiana last spring pleaded guilty to federal and state criminal charges. The U.S. Attorney’s Office said in a news release that …

Suspect in Multiple Louisiana Church Fires Faces Hate Crime Charges

The white man suspected in the burning of three African American churches in Louisiana will remain in jail, denied bond Monday by a judge, as state prosecutors added new charges declaring the arsons a hate crime. Twenty-one-year-old Holden Matthews, the …