homeowners liability News

Trick-or-Treating and Homeowners’ Liability for Injuries: A Guide

Halloween pranks. Google this phrase and more than 5 million results link you to a myriad of ways to “mess with peoples’ minds” on Halloween. Some of the recommended pranks require a higher education to understand; some ideas are, well, …

Delaware Judge Says State Farm Off the Hook in Paintball Injury Suit

Be careful with that thing. It could put someone’s eye out. That’s the upshot from a Sussex County, Delaware, judge’s ruling that State Farm doesn’t have to indemnify a policyholder in a paintball injury lawsuit. The June 7 ruling involves …

ANE, Hyundai Marine & Fire Launch New Homeowners Insurance Program

ANE, Agency Network Exchange, has formed an agreement with Hyundai Marine & Fire Insurance Co. that gives its members direct access to Hyundai’s new homeowners insurance product. ANE and its member agents collaborated with Hyundai to develop this product, which …

D.C. Council Holds Hearing on Gun Owner Insurance Proposal

The Council of the District of Columbia held a public hearing Thursday that weighed in on a recent proposal to require liability insurance for all gun owners in Washington, D.C. The bill 20-170, “Firearm Insurance Amendment Act of 2013,” was …

Gun Liability Insurance Measures Facing Uphill Battle in State Legislatures

While lawmakers in most states have introduced measures in their current legislative sessions that address gun control and gun liability issues, their approaches vary widely, largely depending on the area of the country in which their states are located. Legislation …

As Gun Sales Soar, Insurance Sales Follow Suit

Proposed federal and state gun legislation is having an unintended effect on growth in the gun insurance market across the country. Experts in this segment say new policy submissions dealing with all aspects of guns, including gun shops, gun dealers …