Hong Kong floods News

Typhoon Season in Northwest Pacific Seen Less Active Than Normal

Typhoon activity in the Northwest Pacific region is expected to be about 20% below normal this year, forecaster Tropical Storm Risk said in its first outlook of the season. The London-based group said it expects 15 typhoons, seven of which …

Hong Kong’s Floods to Hit Insurers’ Earnings, Could Pressure Reinsurance Renewals

The recent devastating floods following Super Typhoon Saola in Hong Kong and other parts of China may add further pressure to the upcoming reinsurance renewals in January, according to an AM Best commentary. The overall impact of the rainstorm is …

Hong Kong Sees Heaviest Rainfall on Record; Insurance Claims Could Exceed $100M

Hong Kong’s heaviest rainstorm since records began in 1884 flooded the financial hub’s streets and sent torrents of water rushing through subway stations, bringing much of the city to a standstill and forcing the stock market to scrap trading on …