hospital liability News

Medical Professional Liability Market Facing Difficult Times

Despite a slight improvement in net income in 2020, U.S. medical professional liability (MPL) insurers saw their sixth consecutive year of underwriting losses, according to a new AM Best report. According to the new Best’s Special Report, “Continued Uncertainty Clouds …

Explaining Medical Errors Cut Liability Claims 66%: Georgia State Research

Hospital staff and physicians who are willing to explain, apologize for and resolve adverse medical events significantly reduce legal defense and liability costs, according to a study led by Dr. Florence R. LeCraw, an Atlanta anesthesiologist and adjunct professor at …

Parents Blame Hospital in Death of Kansas Girl with Viral Meningitis

The parents of a 13-year-old Kansas girl who died of viral meningitis are suing a Lincoln hospital, alleging that doctors there were negligent when treating her in 2014. Terrisa and Scott Waters filed a wrongful death lawsuit in district court …

Special Report: A Tale of Superbugs’ Deadly Costs

With good reason, Dan Greulich’s doctors called him “the miracle man.” In the span of a decade, the insurance company executive engaged not once, but twice, in a race with death as he awaited replacements for failing organs. And twice, …

Staffing Agency Fights Liability for Testing New Hampshire Patient for Infections

A staffing agency that placed a medical technician at Exeter Hospital who infected patients with hepatitis C in 2012 says it shouldn’t have to compensate the hospital for payouts made to patients who tested negative for the virus. David Kwiatkowski …

Making It Possible for Hospitals to Be Honest About Medical Errors

Medical errors in U.S. hospitals kill tens of thousands of patients each year, and even more suffer injury because of mistakes by doctors or nurses. Not every case of harm is avoidableโ€”patients may get an infection even if doctors do …

Supreme Court Hears Claim Against Hospital for Allegedly Defrauding U.S.

The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday struggled with the question of when federal contractors can be sued for defrauding the government in a case involving a 19-year-old Massachusetts woman who suffered a fatal 2009 seizure at a mental health facility. …

U.S. Hospitals Improve Patient Safety: Report

Fewer patients are dying from conditions acquired while staying in the nation’s hospitals, according to a new federal report. Statistics from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) show that an estimated 87,000 fewer patients died in hospitals and …

IronHealth Launches Hospital, Health System Liability Policy

IronHealth, the specialty healthcare unit of Ironshore Inc., has introduced its “LeadingEdge” policy for hospitals and integrated health care systems. IronHealth has developed the policy in response to the ongoing consolidation and evolution of healthcare business models to extend a …

FDA Warns Medical Device Makers on Superbugs

The Food and Drug Administration sent warning letters last week to three medical device manufacturers whose endoscopes have been blamed for spreading deadly bacteria. This is the agency’s strongest regulatory action yet since outbreaks in Los Angeles, Seattle, and elsewhere …