Houthi rebels News

Chinese Ships Get Cheaper Insurance to Navigate Red Sea

Chinese-owned merchant ships are getting hefty discounts on their insurance when sailing through the Red Sea, another sign of how Houthi attacks in the area are punishing the commercial interests of vessels with ties to the west. The militants began …

UK Navy Warns of Piracy Menace to Ships in Indian Ocean

The UK Navy posted an advisory to merchant ships in the Indian Ocean warning of pirate activity, a sign of a growing threat to a maritime industry that’s been coming under missile attacks near Yemen. Two so-called pirate action groups …

Houthi Attacks Awaken Somali Piracy on Ships Avoiding Red Sea

Piracy off Somalia’s coast has increased since maritime security was disrupted by Houthi militants’ attacks on ships in the Red Sea in response to the Israel-Hamas war. The Horn of Africa nation has recorded five assaults on commercial ships off …

Iran Flexes Military Muscle in Persian Gulf, Amid Rising Tensions

With tensions over its roles in Yemen, Iraq and Syria already high, Iran is flexing its military muscle in the Persian Gulf. For the third time in as many weeks, Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps patrol boats have fired at or …

International Shipping Lines Suspend Port Calls to Yemen as Conflict Worsens

International shipping lines are being forced to scale back or suspend port calls to Yemen as the conflict gets worse, putting pressure on supplies of food as prices rise in local markets. Yemen imports more than 90 percent of its …