human relations News

Diversity in Insurance Industry Calls For Including Different Mindsets and Experiences

Insurance industry leaders have renewed their focus on recruiting, hiring and promoting not just to fill a crucial talent gap with quality candidates, but also to intentionally diversify their workforce. The civil unrest nationwide last summer, the Black Lives Matter …

Why ‘Victorian’ HR Policies That Try to Ban Sex Won’t Work-Viewpoint

Mark Wiseman, who was seen by many as a likely heir to BlackRock Inc. Chief Executive Officer Larry Fink, is now out of a job. The details we have are scant. In a memo, Wiseman explained: “I am leaving BlackRock …

Bad Attitudes That Get in the Way of Success at Work

“Martha has so much going for her, but she could be doing so much more for herself.” How many people do you know or work with like that? What keeps us from getting to where we want to be or …