hurricane forecasting News

Potent Hurricane Weather Pattern Continues to Take Shape, Forecaster Says

The hurricane season continues to look like it will be a highly active one, as a potent and portentous weather pattern continues to take shape, an AccuWeather meteorologist told Claims Journal on Friday. “It certainly looks like it’s going to …

Lee’s Rapid Growth Rewriting Hurricane Rule Book

Hurricane Lee is rewriting old rules of meteorology, leaving experts astonished at how rapidly it grew into a goliath Category 5 hurricane. Lee – which just as quickly dropped to a still-dangerous Category 3 and held that strength Saturday – …

GOES-R Satellite Promises Less Art, More Science in Storm Forecasting

For forecasters trying to better pinpoint the havoc of storms, the future begins next year. That’s when the test phase for the new GOES-R satellite should be complete, providing the National Weather Service with an improved tool to track lightning, …

High-Tech Weather Forecasters Still Rely on Old-Fashioned Balloons

When the latest computer forecast models couldn’t figure out where major Hurricane Joaquin was headed earlier this month, the National Weather Service ordered extra launches of one of its oldest tools — the weather balloon. Twice a day, in what …