hurricane harvey flooding News

HUD: Texas Agency Discriminated in Hurricane Harvey Flood Relief Funding

Texas’ administration of flood relief money from Hurricane Harvey broke federal law by discriminating against Black and Hispanic residents in the Houston area, according to a decision by the federal housing agency that could channel millions of dollars of aid …

Houston Courts Still Dealing With Backlog Due to Hurricane Harvey Damage

Efforts to reduce a backlog of tens of thousands of cases in Texas’ busiest court system got a boost Feb. 7 with the reopening of a newly restored building for jury selection. Officials and attorneys say bringing some normalcy back …

One Man’s Solution After Harvey’s Floods? Build His Own Levee.

After Hurricane Harvey inundated David Bush’s Richmond, Texas, home with 20 inches of rain, he knew he wanted to rebuild but was worried about how his property could be protected from the next big storm. So, Bush came up with …

Houston Still Rebuilding From Last Year’s Floods as 2018 Hurricane Season Arrives

In an empty lot where Vincent Shields’ Houston home once stood, he points out properties whose owners were driven out after Hurricane Harvey inundated the region last summer. “On this street there’s probably less than 30 percent occupancy,” said Shields, …

Texas Governor: Harris County Can Hold Flood Control Bond Election

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has granted Harris County’s request to hold an August special election in which residents could be asked to approve as much as $2.5 billion to finance critical flood-control projects. The county was the hardest hit by …

Houston-Area Officials Say They Didn’t Know About Reservoir Flood Risks Pre-Harvey

Houston-area officials said during a congressional hearing that they weren’t aware of forecasts by federal authorities regarding flooding risks from local reservoirs that ended up inundating thousands of homes during Hurricane Harvey. However, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers said …

Records: Corps Failed to Release Harvey Flood Prediction to Public

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers predicted ahead of Hurricane Harvey’s arrival that reservoirs in Houston would fill to record levels, flooding adjacent neighborhoods, but never shared the concern with the public, government records reveal. A Corps forecast on Aug. …

Flooded Texas Residents Sue over Water Releases During Harvey

More than 120 Southeast Texas residents have signed on to a federal lawsuit alleging that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers illegally took their property when it released water from a reservoir and a dam during Hurricane Harvey flooding their …