hurricane protections News

Army Corps of Engineers Completes Post-Katrina Protections in Louisiana

Seventeen years after Hurricane Katrina flooded New Orleans, the Army Corps of Engineers has completed an extensive system of floodgates, strengthened levees and other protections. The 130-mile (210-kilometer) ring is designed to hold out storm surge of about 30 feet …

U.S. to Study Sand from Bahamas to Protect Florida Coast

A potential solution to a troublesome sand shortage off Southeast Florida is tucked away in a massive water resources funding bill President Barack Obama signed into law last month. The 2016 Water Resources Development Act authorizes the Army Corps of …

Report: Guidelines, with Waivers, Used in Building New Orleans Levee System

A new report finds the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers built the New Orleans area levee system with appropriate guidelines and was generally justified when it sought waivers from those guidelines. The Advocate reports the Water Institute of the Gulf …