Hurricane Sandy News

Insurers Say Losses from Sandy Won’t Hit Florida

Insurance experts say the costs associated with losses from superstorm Sandy in the northeast should not affect Florida homeowners. Sam Miller of the Florida Insurance Council said Tuesday that the Florida market is dominated by state-backed Citizens and local insurers …

Manhattan Power Outages to Continue for Days: ConEd

Residents of lower Manhattan faced up to four days without power on Tuesday as Consolidated Edison, New York City’s power provider, scrambled to repair the damage wrought by Hurricane Sandy. Almost every street below Times Square in the city’s Midtown …

Canada’s Manulife Says Reinsurace Exposure to Hurricane Sandy ‘Manageable’

Toronto-based Manulife Financial, one of North America’s largest insurers, said its exposure to Hurricane Sandy was manageable and within its risk tolerance. The company, based in Toronto, is primarily a life insurer, but it also provides property and casualty reinsurance, …

Hurricane Sandy Silences Atlantic City’s Casinos

Hurricane Sandy has silenced the thousands of slot machines and high-rollers who normally crowd the black jack and roulette tables of Atlantic City, but the resort’s casino companies wager they could be back in business within days. The storm that …

Insured Losses From Hurricane Sandy $7-$15 Billion: AIR Worldwide

Catastrophe modeling firm AIR Worldwide estimated Tuesday evening that insured losses from Hurricane Sandy to onshore properties in the U.S. would be in the range of $7 billion to $15 billion. AIR’s insured loss estimate includes wind and storm surge …

Sandy Dominates Southern California PCI Conference

The subject of Hurricane Sandy dominated a conference of insurance professionals in Southern California on Tuesday – it was heavily used in speeches, a constant topic on panels and it even made its way into meeting rooms, where attendees stared …

Hurricane Sandy Unlikely to Trigger Payouts from Catastrophe Bonds

Investors who have put their money into specialist financial bonds which cover insurance companies from huge natural disasters are unlikely to be hit with big losses from monster storm Sandy even though it is one of the biggest ever to …

Hurricane Sandy Losses Expected to Top Irene’s

Hurricane Sandy appears to have easily caused more losses than last year’s Hurricane Irene, but final totals will be hard to come by for some time because of the scale of the disaster, catastrophe forecasting companies said on Tuesday. Sandy …

Stock Markets Remain Closed Tuesday; Expected to Reopen Wednesday Month End

Hurricane Sandy will close U.S. stock markets for a second day on Tuesday, as Wall Street turned its attention to whether markets would be able to resume functioning on the month’s final trading day on Wednesday. U.S. stock markets closed …

Hurricane Sandy Delivers Severe But Short-Term Economic Blow: Economists

Hurricane Sandy is shaping up to be one of the biggest storms ever to hit the United States but even with the severe damage that is expected, the blow to the economy is seen as short-term. Economists say some of …