hurricane season 2016 News

Insurance Rates Unlikely to Rise a Lot Even If Hurricane Season is Above Normal: Fitch

Hurricane forecasters may be split on whether the 2016 Atlantic hurricane season will be above average or normal, but even a higher level of storms might not boost property insurance prices to levels seen in prior market cycles, according to …

Atlantic Coast Should Expect Normal Hurricane Season, Says Colorado State

The Atlantic should produce a near-normal 12 storms during the six-month hurricane season that officially begins Wednesday, while the U.S. coastline has a below-average chance of being struck by a major system, according to Colorado State University’s forecast. Of the …

NOAA’s 2016 Atlantic Hurricane Season Forecast: 45% Chance of Near-Normal; 30% Above Normal

Forecasters at NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center say the 2016 Atlantic hurricane season, which runs from June 1 through November 30, will most likely be near-normal, but they also say this season is particularly difficult to pin down because there is …

Early Season Storm Could Roil Southeast Coast’s Memorial Day Weekend

A storm that would be named Bonnie threatens holiday cookouts and celebrations along the U.S. coast from North Carolina to Georgia over the Memorial Day weekend. If the low-pressure system now northeast of the Bahamas develops, it will become the …

With Hurricane Season About to Open, Forecasters Already Eyeing East Coast

When the Atlantic hurricane season starts next week, the most active area might just be off the U.S. East Coast. At this time of year, passing cold fronts that linger over waters warmed by the late spring sun can trigger …

2016 Atlantic Hurricane Season Should See Normal Activity of 12 Names Storms: CSU

The coming Atlantic hurricane season should produce a near-average 12 named storms before it ends in November, according to Phil Klotzbach, lead author of the pioneering Colorado State University forecast. At least five of those storms will reach hurricane status, …