hurricane season 2017 News

Hurricane Season Is Coming to a Close… Maybe

In 166 years, only 17 tropical storms and six hurricanes have formed in the Atlantic after the official Nov. 30 close of the season, according to the U.S. Hurricane Research Division in Miami. Could it happen again? Conditions across the …

Puerto Rico Bond Insurers’ Stocks Fall After ’60 Minutes’ Episode on Hurricane Maria

Shares of three major bond insurance firms with exposure to Puerto Rico fell on Monday after a “60 Minutes” episode aired on Sunday highlighted the extensive damage wreaked on the island by Hurricane Maria. Andrew Gadlin, a research analyst at …

$36.5 Billion House Disaster Aid Bill Includes Funds for Puerto Rico, Wildfires, Flood Insurance

House lawmakers unveiled a bill Tuesday night that would provide $36.5 billion in emergency funding for hurricane and wildfire relief requested by the Trump administration. With Congress under pressure to provide urgent help to storm victims in Texas, Florida and …

Estimated $2.5 Billion Gulf Coast Damage from Nate Less Than First Feared

Oil companies were heading back into the Gulf of Mexico and working to restore operations after Hurricane Nate fizzled out over the U.S. South on Sunday. While an estimated 93 percent of U.S. oil production in the Gulf was still …

Sunday Update: Weakened Tropical Storm Nate Brings Rain, Tornado Warnings to South

Hurricane Nate weakened to a tropical depression on Sunday after coming ashore in Mississippi, flooding roads and buildings but sparing the state from catastrophic damages. Maximum sustained winds from Nate, the fourth major storm to hit the United States in …

Gulf Coast on Hurricane Watch As Tropical Storm Nate Strengthens

Tropical Storm Nate, which has already shut oil and gas platforms in the Gulf of Mexico, strengthened as it continued north on a path that’ll bring it ashore in the U.S. by week’s end. Nate was about 115 miles (185 …

Global Reinsurers to Bear ‘Significant Share’ of Hurricane Maria Claims: A.M. Best

Ratings agency A.M. Best said it expects a significant share of the loss from Hurricane Maria to pass on to the global reinsurers evenly. The agency said it expects the loss would remain within the overall risk tolerance of most …

As Puerto Rico Struggles to Recover from Maria, Burst Dam Brings More Suffering

In San Juan, it was as if Hurricane Maria left everyone to fend for themselves. Two days after Maria hit, electricity and mobile phone service was nonexistent in the capital and across most of Puerto Rico, which was already buckling …

Storm Watch Issued for North Carolina as Puerto Rico, Markets Weigh Maria’s Economic Costs

Storm watches have been issued for North Carolina as the U.S. is threatened by a hurricane for the fourth time in a month. Tropical storm watches, meaning winds of at least 39 miles (63 kilometers) per hour could reach the …

East Coast Watching Effect of ‘Zombie’ Storm Jose on Maria’s Path

Hurricane Maria continued its thunderous roll northward as forecasters struggled to pin down a trajectory. Whether the storm makes landfall again could be determined by a zombie. That’s what former Hurricane Jose will soon be in the meteorological vernacular, a …