Hurricane Season News

Storm Management

The Atlantic hurricane season forecasts are in and they aren’t pretty. All the major forecasters have predicted the season will be much more active than last season. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) expects an “active to extremely active” …


Reauthorization Needed “Congress needs to pass a long-term extension because homeowners living in flood prone regions of the country don’t have anywhere to turn should another major flood occur during this Congressional recess.” —Blain Rethmeier, spokesman for the American Insurance …

Congress’s inability to act leaves many in flood prone areas vulnerable – for the second time this year and the fourth in 12 months’ time. When it rains it pours, as the saying goes. By extension, one could say that …

Price Scare

Seven years and running, the soft market shows few signs of loosening its grip on commercial insurance pricing, according to a new industry study. Average premiums in every line tracked by the Risk and Insurance Management Society (RIMS) Benchmark Survey …

Oil Rig Tragedies Shock Insurers, Destabilize Market, Says Willis

The U.S. Deepwater Horizon and Venezuelan Aban Pearl drilling rig losses have left upstream energy insurers with an unprecedented bill of $795 million within the space of a single month, destabilizing the market and driving up rates, according to a …

BP Oil Spill Losses Hit Reinsurers; Premiums Jump

Reinsurers have bumped up prices for offshore energy-related insurance premiums by 50 percent following insurance industry losses of up to $3.5 billion from the BP plc oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, Moody’s Investor Service said in a report …

2010 Atlantic Hurricane Season: 76% Chance Major Storm to Hit U.S.

The 2010 Atlantic hurricane season will be even more active than feared, leading U.S. forecasters said Wednesday as they predicted 10 hurricanes, five of them major, with a 76 percent likelihood that a major hurricane would hit the U.S. coastline. …

Florida’s Emergency Chief Hopes Agency Turmoil Is Over

Florida’s Division of Emergency Management, under a second director since Craig Fugate left a year ago to run its federal counterpart, is getting a jump start on the hurricane season. With the storm season to begin Tuesday, the agency has …

CSU Team Increases 2010 Atlantic Hurricane Forecast to 10

The 2010 Atlantic hurricane season is likely to produce 10 hurricanes, five of them major, the Colorado State University hurricane forecasting team said Wednesday, increasing a previous estimate for a “very active” season. The report confirms earlier warnings that more …

AIR Report Analyzes Potential Hurricane ‘Implications’ of Gulf Oil Spill

Catastrophe risk modeling firm AIR Worldwide has released a report that examines the implications of the Gulf oil spill on the upcoming hurricane season as well as indications of what this might mean to wildlife, ecosystems, business, and insurance interests. …