Hurricane Season News

Texas Windstorm Insurance Bill Passes

Texas lawmakers on the first day of the 2009 hurricane season and the last day of the Texas legislative session passed a bill – HB 4409 – aimed at recapitalizing the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA). TWIA serves as the …

5 Hurricane forecasters at Colorado State University have lowered their prediction for the number of hurricanes they expect to hit the Atlantic Basin in 2009 to five, down from an April forecast of six hurricanes. The forecasters say information obtained …

Caribbean Governments Renew Catastrophe Group Coverage

The Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility (CCRIF) announced that all 16 Caribbean member governments have renewed their catastrophe policies with for the 2009/10 policy period. “Member governments were able to take advantage of a 10 percent decrease in premium costs …

Forecasters: Fewer Atlantic Hurricanes Predicted

Hurricane forecasters at Colorado State University have lowered their prediction for the number of hurricanes they expect to hit the Atlantic Basin in 2009 to five, down from an April forecast of six hurricanes. According to researchers Philip J. Klotzbach …

Coastal Insureds, Insurers Brace for Start of New Hurricane Season

As the 2009 hurricane season arrives, many homeowners are finding insurance is either more expensive, or harder to get. Homeowners from New York to Florida and in the Gulf Coast region are again seeing premiums rise and coverage change. And …

Texas House Sends Windstorm Reforms to Conference

The Texas House approved a conference committee report on Saturday to hammer out windstorm insurance reform legislation with senators. House lawmakers sent the measure — which could cause lawmakers to be called back for a special session if it is …

A.M. Best Concerned Over Insurers’ Exposure to the Florida Hurricane Fund

Based on the recently revised projected claims-paying capacity of the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund (FHCF), rating agency A.M. Best has updated its treatment of reinsurance provided to rated entities from this structure. As it previously indicated, A.M. Best said it …

Texas Legislators Pass Windstorm Insurance Bill

On the first day of the official hurricane season for 2009, and on the last day of the Texas legislative session, Texas lawmakers passed a bill that would recapitalize the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA). Legislators voted 31-0 on HB …


10 Years “Unless there’s some Einstein out there that knows something none of us do, the prevailing thought among the researchers is that a good 24-hour forecast of intensity change is a goal, a stretch goal, that might be attainable …

40% of Florida Home Carriers Losing Money Even With No Big Storms

With the start of the hurricane season just a few weeks away, a leading Florida consumer advocate joined independent agents at a press conference to warn that property insurance rates need to be raised if insurers are going to be …