Hurricane Season News

Study Finds Economic Costs of Federal Cat Legislation Significant

Taxpayers In At Least 20 States Could Face Multi-Billion Dollar Tax Burden Natural catastrophe legislation passed by the U.S. House of Representatives and pending in the U.S. Senate would create a multi-billion dollar burden on taxpayers in at least 20 …

More to Come in Busy Atlantic Hurricane Season

The 10 tropical storms and hurricanes that ripped through the Atlantic and Caribbean during this busy hurricane season savaged Haiti, Cuba and the U.S. Gulf coast, and conditions are now ripe for more. Residents of the Atlantic-Caribbean danger zone should …

Organizations Opposed to U.S. Insurance Tax Bill Issue Statement

The Coalition for Competitive Insurance Rates, which groups a number of organizations that oppose to the latest attempt to amend U.S. tax laws on foreign insurers, has issued a bulletin outlining the reasons why they oppose recently introduced legislation. They …

Time for Barry and Shenise

Astute observers of recent political history may recall the story of Harry and Louise — the fictional couple created by a health insurance industry lobbying group in 1994. In political television ads at the time, the couple railed against then-President …

How Agents Prepared and Fared as Gustav Hit Gulf States

On the morning of Sept. 1, Gustav’s eye made landfall on the Louisiana coast just shy of Category 3 status. Experts estimate Gustav caused about $8 billion to $10 billion in insured damage. On Aug. 29 as Hurricane Gustav headed …

House Bill Would Extend Flood Insurance Program 7 Months

The troubled U.S. flood insurance program would be temporarily extended for seven months under legislation introduced in Congress Thursday, buying time for lawmakers to work out deep disagreements over reforming the debt-burdened program. The short-term extension would prevent the National …

South Carolina Coastal Risk Conference Garners Insurer Support

The American Insurance Association is participating in this week’s conference “Out of the Storm: Confronting America’s Catastrophic Risk Crisis,” organized by the South Carolina Department of Insurance and the Competitive Enterprise Institute. The conference, ongoing through Sept. 19 in Hilton …

Best Comments on Potential Impact of Hurricane Ike on P/C Industry

A.M. Best’s preliminary assessment of the potential financial impact from Hurricane Ike concludes that, even though its passage was a “sizeable catastrophic event, the overall financial impact to both the primary and reinsurance sectors is expected to be generally manageable …

S&P’s Analysis of Hurricane Season Finds Mounting Losses

Following Ike’s march through Texas, S&P noted that the preliminary estimates of insured losses “vary from $6 billion to $18 billion. (These figures include onshore and offshore exposure.)” Before discussing the possible negative effects on earnings of the recent spate …

Experts Meet in South Carolina, Discuss Making Homes Hurricane Ready

Getting people back in their homes quickly is vital to hurricane recovery, the head of a national program to build more storm-resistant homes said at a conference in South Carolina. “The faster you get the people back, the faster the …