Hurricane Season News

Like Ike, Insurance Exposures Along Texas Coast Are Massive

With a giant Hurricane Ike taking aim at the upper Texas coast, the value of insured property at risk is huge, according to the Insurance Information Institute. The total value of insured coastal property in Texas was more than $895 …

Hurricane Ike Triggers CCRIF’s First 2008 Hurricane Payout

The Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility (CCRIF) announced that it is set to “make a payout of approximately $6.3 million to the government of the Turks and Caicos Islands, within the terms of that country’s hurricane policy which was purchased …

Swiss Re Describes Reinsurers’ ‘Challenging Business Environment’

Swiss Re’s bulletin from Monte Carlo stresses that the “(re)insurance industry is facing a more challenging business environment, characterized by continued soft (re)insurance markets, stock market turbulence and an active hurricane season. Elevated inflation in many countries poses an additional …

Hurricane Ike Threatens Bahamas; Hanna Death Toll Grows

Powerful Hurricane Ike weakened slightly as it moved across the Atlantic toward the Bahamas and the U.S. on Thursday, while Tropical Storm Hanna’s death toll from floods in Haiti grew to 136. Campgrounds were closed and some evacuations began on …

Reinsurers’ Investment Hit Won’t Stop Price Drop

European reinsurers’ losses on investments due to the financial crisis may dampen their appetite for a reinsurance price war, but will not interrupt the trend toward a weakening market. As reinsurers descend on the Mediterranean resort of Monte Carlo this …

After Gustav, Will People Be Less Likely to Heed Warnings Next Time?

Millions fled the Gulf Coast in fear of Hurricane Gustav, billed as the apocalyptic “mother of all storms.” It didn’t deliver. Now, with three other storms lining up in the Atlantic, some fear people might not listen next time. New …

As Gustav Winds Down, New Orleans Eyes Damage

A still-largely deserted New Orleans Tuesday prepared to take stock of damage from Hurricane Gustav after rebuilt levees appeared to hold off a repeat of the flooding caused by Katrina three years earlier. Gustav roared through the heart of the …

Hope for the Best, Prepare for the Worst

During the 2008 hurricane season, Texas has so far been hit by Hurricane Dolly and Tropical Storm Edouard. The Louisiana coastline, however, has been spared. That state even dodged massive flooding from Tropical Storm Fay when she took a turn …

Hurricanes and Tropical Storms: 2 Down, How Many More to Go?

With hurricane season halfway over for 2008, Louisiana has so far dodged the bullet but Texas has taken on two warning shots with Hurricane Dolly and Tropical Storm Edouard. As such storms go, neither packed a lot of punch, but …

RMS, AIR Tracking Gustav

“Gustav looks set to make landfall early next week as it continues to intensify along its path. Forecasts suggest that it will strike on the US Gulf coast on Tuesday morning, potentially as a category 2 or 3 hurricane,” according …