Hurricane Season News

Fla. Insurers Advised on Filing Discounted Rates Required by Law

Florida Insurance Commissioner Kevin McCarty signed an order advising residential insurers to make rate filings to include the new discount factor mandated by legislation passed during the recent special session. The new discount factor required in House Bill 1-A is …

Lessons learned from 2005’s Katrina and 2006’s calm hurricane season

It’s been more than a year since Katrina made landfall and businesses are still recovering. Then the 2006 Atlantic hurricane season came and went with barely a blip — despite initial projections by some that there would be two to …

Forecasters predict active hurricane season to come in 2007

Atlantic basin and U.S. hurricane landfall expected to be up 60 percent above normal A return to high hurricane activity in 2007 is likely following the below-average 2006 hurricane season, according to the consortium of experts on insurance, risk management …

Don’t be fooled: Extreme weather, terrorism risks not going away

The insurance industry and its customers must not let down their guard concerning loss prevention despite a mild hurricane season and a quiet time on the terrorism front in the U.S., advises an expert in risk and insurance. “It’s part …

The Commissioners: Mike Geeslin

Geeslin has faced hurricanes, liquidations, workers’ comp overhaul And that was just in the first year of the commissioner’s term It could be said the first year of Mike Geeslin’s term as Texas Insurance Commissioner was one of “trial by …

Don’t be fooled: Extreme weather, terrorism risks not going away

Now is no time to ease up on loss prevention, warns risk expert. The insurance industry and its customers must not let down their guard concerning loss prevention despite a mild hurricane season and a quiet time on the terrorism …

Florida insurers in freeze until June

Florida Gov. Charlie Crist convinced Cabinet members to approve a rule that will prevent property insurers from canceling Florida policies for much of the rest of this year. The emergency rule will freeze insurance rates and prevent cancellations through the …


Different approach “From day one, USAA has adjusted Hurricane Katrina claims responsibly, and we will continue to do so until every claim is closed. According to media reports, State Farm reportedly declined coverage for both wind damage and water damage …

Don’t be fooled: Extreme weather, terrorism risks not going away

The insurance industry and its customers must not let down their guard concerning loss prevention despite a mild hurricane season and a quiet time on the terrorism front in the U.S., advises an expert in risk and insurance. “It’s part …

With state lawmakers looking on, Florida Gov. Charlie Crist signed legislation that will provide property insurance and reinsurance reform, including reductions in property insurance rates. The bill also requires insurers to promptly pay claims and discontinue dropping policyholders during the …