hurricane tax News

U.S. Is Vulnerable Enough to Hurricanes. We Don’t Need Another Storm From an Insurance Tax.

As a longtime Florida resident, I have witnessed the destructive power of hurricanes on the lives and properties of countless Floridians and others across the Atlantic and Gulf coasts. Hurricanes can pack such enormous power that they have literally altered …

Floridians Would Pay More to Shore-Up Cat Fund: Survey

A new survey finds that 70 percent of Floridians fear being assessed hundreds or thousands of dollars in “hurricane taxes” because the state’s Hurricane Catastrophe Fund may run out of money to pay insurance claims. The telephone survey of 805 …

Florida Hurricane Fund Has $3.2 Billion Shortfall

Florida’s hurricane fund is confronting a potential $3.2 billion shortfall, financial experts said in a new estimate of the money available to the pool intended to help insurers make disaster payments. The fund was created after Hurricane Andrew devastated South …