ice caps News

Earth’s Temperatures Hit Record Highs Between 2011 and 2015

Earth experienced its hottest half-decade on record between 2011 and 2015 and the floods, droughts and storms unleashed by rising temperatures are likely only a prelude to new weather extremes, the World Meteorological Organization said. As delegates from almost 200 …

West Antarctica’s Ice Loss Shows Signs of Becoming ‘Unstoppable’

If you want to see the future of New York, Tokyo, or Mumbai, look no further than West Antarctica, where a warmer sea is turning ice into water that may be headed to your doorstep. The bottom of the world …

World Sea Levels Could Rise over Five Feet by 2100

Quickening climate change in the Arctic including a thaw of Greenland’s ice could drive world sea levels by up to 1.6 meters (5 ft. 3 in.) by 2100, an international report said on Tuesday. Such a rise — above most …