Idaho News

The Commissioners: George Dale

Battered but not beaten, Mississippi focuses on helping people A former high school principal, George Dale is now the longest serving state insurance commissioner in the nation. He has been elected by the people of Mississippi since 1975 and recently …

New Markets

Hospitality Program Nuts & Bolts: Underwriters at PLIS are offering The Hospitality program, written on Lloyd’s paper covering named perils ranging from Aeromonas hydrophila to Yersinia enterocolotica. The policy has the benefit of: a “trade name trigger;” up to 25 …

My New Markets

Trucking Auto Physical Damage Nuts & Bolts: AIX Group Inc., a specialty insurance holding company, has formed a new program to provide automobile physical damage coverage to commercial trucking operations. This program will be targeting operations with above average loss …

George Dale, Mississippi, Commissioner of Insurance

A former high school principal, George Dale is now the longest serving state insurance commissioner in the nation. He has been elected by the people of Mississippi since 1975 and recently announced he would run for re-election to a ninth …

New Markets

Trucking Auto Physical Damage Nuts & Bolts: AIX Group Inc., a specialty insurance holding company, has formed a new program to provide automobile physical damage coverage to commercial trucking operations. This program will be targeting operations with above average loss …

New Markets

Monoline Energy Accounts Nuts & Bolts: MarketScout launched a new exclusive monoline energy workers’ compensation program that accepts most class codes related to the energy industry, including operations “over the hole” and USL&H exposures. Dollars: Statutory and $1 million employers’ …

8 La.’s Blanco: Industry over-reacting to hurricanes

Governor says state is making headway on storm protection 9 Ark. auto insurance fraud suspect turns self in Fraud ring allegedly scammed hundreds of thousands of dollars 10 New Orleans couple drops suit against Allstate No explanation given for vacating …

New Markets

Hospitality Program Nuts & Bolts: Underwriters at PLIS are offering The Hospitality program, written on Lloyd’s paper covering named perils ranging from Aeromonas hydrophila to Yersinia enterocolotica. The policy has the benefit of: a “trade name trigger;” up to 25 …

U.S. Rep. Backs Maine Effort to Repeal Federal Drivers License Act

U.S. Rep. Tom Allen joined with a group of Democratic state lawmakers at the Maine State House on Tuesday to amplify his call for the repeal and replacement of the federal homeland security law known as the Real ID Act. …

Montpelier Re Q4 Net $140 Million; $362 Million FY; Book Value up 33%

Bermuda-based Montpelier Re Holdings Ltd. reported comprehensive income for the quarter and year ended December 31, 2006 of $140 million and $362 million for the full year, or $1.44 and $3.86 per diluted common share, respectively. Operating income, which excludes …