Illinois News

Business Moves

Royal & Sun A state hearing officer recommended Delaware’s insurance commissioner approve the proposed management buyout and eventual dissolution of Royal and Sun Alliance Insurance Group’s U.S. operations. The subject of a lengthy hearing last month, the proposed buyout awaits …

Business Moves

Brooke Corp., Oakmont Brooke Corporation entered into a definitive agreement by which Brooke Credit Corporation, its finance company subsidiary, will merge with Oakmont Acquisition Corporation. The planned merger will result in Brooke Credit becoming a public company with Brooke Corp. …

Editor’s Note: Flooding hazard alert: Melting ice and snow increases risk

We all know that catastrophes come in all forms and shapes, not just as hurricanes, earthquakes, fires and mudslides. In light of the recent devastating winter ice and snow storms that crossed the Midwest and then moved to the eastern …


Antitrust laws “Federal oversight would provide confidence that the industry is not engaging in the most egregious forms of anticompetitive conduct – price fixing, agreements not to pay, and market allocations … insurers may object to being subject to the …

Allstate says it paid Katrina claims of type State Farm denied

Giant insurer Allstate Corp., based in Northbrook, Ill., doesn’t have much to fear from a Mississippi class-action lawsuit that seeks to have insurers in the state reopen closed Hurricane Katrina claims, according to the company’s chief executive. Rival State Farm …


James W. Good, executive vice president of trucking industry insurer Baldwin and Lyons Inc. and president of its subsidiary insurance company, Protective Insurance Co., announced he will retire from the company in May 2007, after 42 years of service. Following …

New Markets

Trucking Auto Physical Damage Nuts & Bolts: AIX Group Inc., a specialty insurance holding company, has formed a new program to provide automobile physical damage coverage to commercial trucking operations. This program will be targeting operations with above average loss …

Business Moves

Royal & Sun A state hearing officer recommended Delaware’s insurance commissioner approve the proposed management buyout and eventual dissolution of Royal and Sun Alliance Insurance Group’s U.S. operations. The subject of a lengthy hearing last month, the proposed buyout awaits …

New Markets

Monoline Energy Accounts Nuts & Bolts: MarketScout launched a new exclusive monoline energy workers’ compensation program that accepts most class codes related to the energy industry, including operations “over the hole” and USL&H exposures. Dollars: Statutory and $1 million employers’ …


No need to be unkind “It’s not a popular position. I’ve had people who have said unkind things. I’ve had people who say I need to be replaced.” — Arkansas State Sen. Kim Hendren, R-Gravette, commenting on the unlikelihood that …