ILW News

Swiss Re Buys Cyber Market’s 1st Retrocession ILW, Brokered by Gallagher Re

Swiss Re has purchased the cyber market’s first retrocession industry loss warranty (ILW), brokered by Gallagher Re and supported by a number of specialist reinsurers. Swiss Re secured $50 million of catastrophic US cyber insurance event protection, including cover against …

New ILS Records Set During 12 Months Ended June 30: Aon Securities Report

Annual catastrophe bond issuance reached $7.0 billion – a decrease on the record-breaking prior year ($9.4 billion), yet still the third highest annual issuance in the sector’s history, according to Aon Securities, the investment banking division of Aon Benfield. Twenty-five …

Price Declines Slow on June U.S. Reinsurance Renewals: Guy Carpenter

After two years of price decreases averaging 15 percent on U.S. property catastrophe placements, risk-adjusted pricing moderated at the most recent June renewals. Reinsurance broker Guy Carpenter & Co. reported that the price declines are averaging in the high single …

Willis Re Notes 25% Growth in Insurance Loss Warranty Market

A report from Willis Re in London points to 2011 activity as driving a 25 percent growth in Insurance Loss Warranties (ILWs) volume for 2012. The report estimates that the ILW market reached trading volumes of $6 billion last year, …