IMF News

Sidelined G7 Finance Chiefs to Discuss Financial Reforms

Some of the world’s most powerful finance chiefs will meet in an English stately home on Friday and Saturday to try to speed up banking and finance reforms, with Cyprus’ near meltdown fresh in their minds. Finance ministers and central …

Euro Zone, IMF Secure Deal on Cutting Greek Debt

Euro zone finance ministers and the International Monetary Fund clinched agreement on reducing Greece’s debt on Monday in a breakthrough to release urgently needed loans to keep the near-bankrupt economy afloat. After 12 hours of talks at their third meeting …

EU, IMF Clash over Greece Revives Debt Crisis Fears

A public clash between Greece’s international lenders over how Athens can bring its debts down to a sustainable level has reignited fears that the crisis could flare up anew. Euro zone finance ministers suggested that Greece, where the euro zone …

IMF Urges Permanent Fix to U.S. ‘Fiscal Cliff’

The International Monetary Fund on Thursday urged the United States to quickly reach an agreement on a permanent fix to avoid automatic tax hikes and spending cuts early next year, saying a stop-gap solution could be harmful to the global …

IMF Says Benefits of Global Financial Reform Outweigh Costs

Tough new global financial rules will nudge up credit costs, but the slight drag they will place on major economies is worth it to achieve a more stable financial system, the International Monetary Fund said on Tuesday. In a study …

Europe Drawn Back to its First Problem – Greece

The euro zone debt crisis was born in Greece. Nearly three years and two bailouts on Europe must decide whether to give the country yet more help or cut it loose. For all its complexities, Greece’s problems essentially come down …

IMF Cuts Global Growth Forecast as Emerging Economies Slow

The International Monetary Fund has cut its forecast for global economic growth and warned that the outlook could dim further if policymakers in the euro zone do not act with enough force and speed to quell their region’s debt crisis. …

Judge Rejects Strauss-Kahn Immunity in Civil Damages Lawsuit

A New York judge rejected former International Monetary Fund chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn’s claim of diplomatic immunity on Tuesday, ruling a lawsuit filed by the hotel maid who accused him of sexual assault can move forward. Bronx Supreme Court Justice Douglas …

Greece Averts Immediate Default with Bond Swap Deal Success

Greece averted the immediate risk of an uncontrolled default, winning strong acceptance from its private creditors for a bond swap deal which will ease its massive public debt and clear the way for a new international bailout. The finance ministry …

IMF’s Lagarde Warns No Country is Immune from Rising Risk

The world economic outlook is “quite gloomy” and will require action by all countries, starting with those in Europe, to head off an escalating crisis that carries risks of a global depression, the head of the International Monetary Fund said …