IMF News

IMF Head Warns World Economy Risks a ‘Lost Decade’

The head of the International Monetary Fund warned on Wednesday that Europe’s debt crisis risked plunging the global economy into a “lost decade” and said it was up to rich nations to shoulder the burden of restoring growth and confidence. …

Europe at Impasse on Greece, IMF Backs Investor Role

The International Monetary Fund joined Germany on Wednesday in pushing for private sector investors [presumably including the EU’s insurers] to help cut Greece’s debt mountain as the euro zone sought to break an impasse on how and when to grant …

Strauss-Kahn: Going From Defendant to Plaintiff Could Be Risky

After spending six weeks as a defendant in a criminal sexual assault case that now appears to be falling apart, Dominique Strauss-Kahn may have a seat waiting for him at the plaintiffs’ table, but taking it comes with risks and …

Visitors Raise Irish Hopes for an End to Financial Crisis

The people of Ireland cheered up a bit following the back to back visits of Great Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II, and the President of the United States, Barack Obama, or O’bama as the name appeared in Ireland. No, neither visitor …

Sex, Lies and the Reckless Choices of the Powerful

Sex and power are no strangers. History is littered with tales of the powerful and privileged felled by sex scandals. But make no mistake. If IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn is found guilty as charged of attempting to rape a hotel …