immunity News

Gunmakers Face New Legal Threat From Families of Mass Shooting Victims

Families of children and teachers killed in last month’s Texas school massacre face a formidable legal battle if they decide to sue the gun maker whose AR-15 semiautomatic rifle was used in the attack. That doesn’t mean they can’t win. …

White House Vows Liability Protections for Businesses Facing Coronavirus Claims

Donald Trump’s top economic adviser said the administration will look at limiting liability for businesses over the spread of the coronavirus. “I think liability reforms and safeguards are going to be a very important part of this,” Larry Kudlow, director …

Oregon Judge Dismisses $4M Suit in Family Drowning

A judge has dismissed a $4 million lawsuit filed by a relative of four people who drowned in a northwest Oregon lake in 2014. The Oregonian/OregonLive reported Judge Andrew Erwin dismissed the suit after Washington County argued it was entitled …

Arizona Court Rules School District Has Immunity From Negligence Suit

An Arizona appellate court has ruled that Tucson Unified School District has legal immunity from a lawsuit accusing it of negligently hiring a teaching assistant later convicted of attempting to secretly record a special-needs student. The Court of Appeals ruled …

EXCLUSIVE – Somali Pirate Kingpins Enjoy ‘Impunity’ Say UN Experts

Somalia’s president has shielded a top pirate leader from arrest by issuing him a diplomatic passport, according to a United Nations investigation which criticizes the “climate of impunity” enjoyed by pirate kingpins in Somalia and abroad. The U.N. Monitoring Group …

Colorado Governor To Sign Wildfire Compensation Bills

Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper is preparing to add his signature to two bills that will provide victims of the state-caused Lower North Fork fire ways to seek more compensation. The bills signed Monday will retroactively add state-set wildfires to the …

Conn. Supreme Court to Take Up Ex-NFL Player’s Fraud Claim Against Lawyers

The Connecticut Supreme Court will take up a fraud lawsuit by ex-NFL player and investment firm founder Bob Simms against his ex-wife’s lawyers, brushing aside a lower court decision barring the claim. Simms, a linebacker who played for the New …