implementation News

EU under Pressure to Delay Solvency II Insurer Capital Rules

The European Union may be forced to put back the January 2014 start date for its Solvency II capital regime for insurers after talks to agree a final draft of the strict new rules collapsed, Europe’s top insurance sector lobby …

EIOPA Releases Final ‘Own Risk and Solvency Assessment’ Report

The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) has published its Final Report on draft Guidelines for Own Risk and Solvency Assessment (ORSA), which “underlines the purposes of the ORSA,” and provides “additional details on how the guidelines are to …

Solvency II: ‘Beware the Dog That Didn’t Bark,’ Warns Willis Re

Insurers are meeting their solvency requirements in greater numbers than anticipated and the result is that the Solvency II regulatory scheme will not result in a capital deficit for the insurance industry as a whole. The latest impact study (Solvency …