independent contractor News

California ‘Gig’ Worker Law Affects Employers Inside and Outside the State

A California law that makes it harder for companies to treat workers as independent contractors takes effect next week, forcing small businesses in and outside the state to rethink their staffing. The law puts tough restrictions on who can be …

Uber, Lyft Balk at Revealing Contracted Drivers’ Names; Claim ‘Trade Secrets’

Uber Technologies Inc. and Lyft Inc. have argued to Chicago city officials that the names of their drivers should be treated as “trade secrets,” and should not be released because competitors could use the information to attempt to hire them …

Uber, Lyft Appeal for Deal on Driver Status as Independent Contractors

Faced with legislation in California that endangers their business model, Uber Technologies Inc. and Lyft Inc. are urging a compromise that would keep their drivers from being considered employees. “We can make independent work better if we update century-old employment …

Small Businesses Under Scrutiny Over Classifying Independent Contractors

Small business owners who want to use independent contractors need to be sure these workers really aren’t employees. Federal and state government agencies are on the lookout for businesses that use independent contractors, or freelancers, to evade Social Security, Medicare …

Jobless Ranks May Be Inflated by Millions of Gig Workers

The hardest people to pin down in America’s labor market may be the gig workers: How many hours do they put in, where, and just how many are out there? The Labor Department, in a report Wednesday, said there are …

Decision in Uber Employee vs. Contractor Suit Cuts Driver Bargaining Power

Uber drivers seeking pay and benefits like those employees get were handed a big defeat by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals on Tuesday. A panel of court justices ruled that drivers must go through arbitration and could not continue …

Ridesharing Workers of Gig Economy: What Census Numbers Show

How big is the gig economy? The answer depends on how one defines “gig economy.” Because there is no broadly accepted definition and no straightforward way to classify workers or jobs as “gig” or “not gig,” this report will focus …

Gig Worker Population Not as Big as Expected. Maybe.

The share of American workers in the “gig economy” has shrunk since 2005, according to a government report that some data-watchers cautioned omits key parts of the picture. The Labor Department on Thursday said that 10.1 percent of American employees …

Is GrubHub Case a Barometer for Independent Contractors Rules?

Food delivery company GrubHub Inc. may be one of the first tech firms to feel the impact of a ruling this week from California’s highest court that makes it easier for workers to prove they are a company’s employees and …

Uber, Tech Firms Helping Their Contract Workers Sign onto Obamacare

Uber Technologies Inc. and some smaller technology companies are launching campaigns to publicize Obamacare enrollment among their contract workers after the Trump administration slashed government marketing for the health program by 90 percent. Freelance and contract workers are an important …