independent contractors News

Relax, Uber’s Not Interested in Entering Insurance Business

While it is weighing providing benefits and insurance to its independent contractor drivers, ridesharing giant Uber is not interested in getting into the insurance business itself. Rather, the global transportation firm is content to focus on being an “intelligent purchaser” …

Virginia Forms Task Force to Block Worker Misclassification

Virginia Governor Ralph Northam has signed an executive order establishing a task force to come up with a plan to prevent worker misclassification and payroll fraud. The state estimates that the misclassification of employees as independent contractors costs Virginia as …

Sizing Up the Gig Economy

Look around, and it seems more Americans are working outside traditional full-time jobs — whether as freelance graphic designers or independent contractors or Uber drivers. Or maybe not. A government report this week suggested that the proportion of such jobs …

California Lawsuits Challenging Contractor Model for Lyft, Postmates

Ridesharing service Lyft Inc. and courier service Postmates Inc. are among the first companies to be sued for improperly treating workers in California as independent contractors following a recent decision that makes it easier for workers to prove that they …

California High Court Rules on Independent Contractors Matter

In a big win for labor advocates, the California Supreme Court on Monday limited businesses from classifying workers as independent contractors who can’t receive key employment protections. Experts expect the ruling to expand the number of workers eligible for minimum …

Uber Drivers Are Not Employees Under Federal Law, Judge Rules

A U.S. judge in Philadelphia has ruled that limousine drivers for Uber Technologies Inc. are independent contractors and not the company’s employees under federal law, the first ruling of its kind on a crucial issue for the ride-hailing company. U.S. …

Chubb Invests in Startup Bunker to Develop Gig Worker Insurance

Bunker and Chubb are working together to develop new insurance products focused on freelance workers. Chubb has also become a minority investor in Bunker, committing at least $2 million to the startup digital broker and its focus on the small …

Freelance Workforce Keeps Growing, Increasingly by Choice

Freelancing is growing. The freelance workforce grew from 53 million in 2014 to 55 million in 2016 and currently represents 35 percent of the U.S. workforce. This freelance workforce earned an estimated $1 trillion this past year, representing a significant …

Unions, Gig-Economy Firms Prepare for New York Benefits Battle

Faced with a barrage of lawsuits from workers demanding benefits and recognition as employees, some companies in the fast-growing ‘gig economy’ are looking to settle the issues through legislation. Joseph Morelle, the number two Democrat in the New York State …

As On-Demand Economy Grows, Professor Sees New Kind of Capitalism Emerging

It goes by many names: the “sharing economy,” the “gig economy,” the “on-demand economy.” Arun Sundararajan, a professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business who has been studying the phenomenon for several years, favors “crowd-based capitalism.” But he …