independent worker classification News

Companies Hope to Take California Gig Worker Classification Law Nationwide

Gig economy companies want to turn California voters’ decision to make ride-service drivers contractors into a model for the nation, as several states consider requiring drivers from Uber, Lyft and rival services be treated as employees with higher compensation. Voters …

Lyft’s $12 Million Settlement with Ridesharing Drivers Avoids Employee Classification

Ride-hailing service Lyft has agreed to settle a proposed class action lawsuit in California by giving drivers additional workplace protections but without classifying them as employees, removing a major threat to its business model. The settlement agreement, filed late on …

Warming to Alternative Classifications for Gig Economy Workers

Judges and juries around the country are being asked to decide whether Uber and Lyft drivers and other participants in the “gig economy” are really independent contractors or just employees in disguise. But what if they’re something else altogether? Vince …