individual mandate News

Supreme Court Rejects Latest Republican Challenge to Obamacare

The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday rejected a Republican bid that had been backed by former President Donald Trump’s administration to invalidate the Obamacare healthcare law, ruling that Texas and other challengers had no legal standing to file their lawsuit. …

Two Conservative Supreme Court Justices Appear to Side with Obamacare Supporters

U.S. Supreme Court justices on Tuesday signaled they are unlikely to strike down the Obamacare healthcare law in a legal challenge brought by Texas and 17 other Republican-governed states and joined by President Donald Trump’s administration. Chief Justice John Roberts …

Supreme Court Again Weighs Fate of Affordable Care Act

The conservative-majority U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday dives back into politically perilous waters as it hears arguments over a Republican challenge backed by President Donald Trump’s administration aiming to invalidate the Obamacare healthcare law. President-elect Joe Biden has criticized Republican …

Supreme Court Ruling on Fate of Obamacare Likely After November Election

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday agreed to hear a politically explosive case on whether Obamacare is lawful, taking up a bid by 20 Democratic-led states including New York and California to save the landmark healthcare law. The impetus for …

GOP Tax Bill Could Include Repeal of Obamacare Individual Mandate

President Donald Trump called Wednesday for repealing the Obamacare individual mandate in a tax overhaul, a day before House GOP leaders planned to unveil a bill without that provision. In a pair of tweets, Trump said: “Wouldn’t it be great …

Senate Republicans Eye ‘Skinny’ Repeal of Obamacare

U.S. Senate Republicans begin their final push on Thursday to unravel Obamacare, seeking to wrap up their seven-year offensive against former Democratic President Barack Obama’s signature healthcare law that extended insurance coverage to millions. Republicans leaders hope a pared-down “skinny” …

Workers’ Compensation Could Pay If Obamacare Replacement Falls Short

The workers’ compensation system could end up feeling some pain if changes to health care and other social insurance programs by Congress and the Trump Administration mean some Americans lose benefits, workers’ compensation professionals were told on Thursday. Replacing Obamacare, …

Citing Trump’s Order, IRS Stops Enforcing Individual Mandate for Health Insurance

The U.S. Internal Revenue Service will no longer require tax filers to indicate whether they had health coverage or paid a penalty set under Obamacare, dealing a blow to a pillar of the healthcare law, the website reported. Republican …

Health Insurers Warm to Replacing Individual Mandate with Incentives

U.S. health insurers signaled Tuesday that they’re willing to give up a cornerstone provision of Obamacare that requires all Americans to have insurance, replacing it with a different set of incentives less loathed by Republicans who have promised to repeal …

Exemptions Reduce Estimate of Americans Paying Obamacare Penalties

Four million people are projected to pay the U.S. penalty for not carrying health insurance next year, about one-third less than previously estimated, after the Obama administration created exemptions from the fine. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act requires …