individual mandate News

Many Could Escape Obamacare Individual Mandate Due to Exemptions

Obamacare’s requirement that all Americans carry insurance or face penalties, part of the effort to gain universal coverage, may not be much of a rule at all. Millions of people may be exempt from the requirement known as the individual …

Walgreen, Blue Cross to Aid in Educating Public on Obamacare

Walgreen Co., the biggest U.S. drugstore chain, agreed to join with the largest federation of health insurers to promote the Affordable Care Act, lending a hand as the Obama administration strains to win over the public. The Blue Cross Blue …

IRS Says It Has No Role in Enforcing Health Insurance Mandate

The Internal Revenue Service on Tuesday assured congressional lawmakers that agents would play no role in enforcing the controversial requirement that Americans buy insurance under President Barack Obama’s healthcare overhaul. “IRS revenue agents will not be involved. There will not …

Chief Justice Roberts Viewed Differently After Healthcare Opinion

Chief Justice John Roberts could have taken down the entire, massive healthcare law that his fellow Republicans deride as “Obamacare.” He could have prevented the Supreme Court decision that largely disabled the most disputed aspects of Arizona’s crackdown on illegal …

Actuaries Say Individual Mandate Key to Viable Health Insurance Market

The U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling to keep the Affordable Care Act largely intact is a step toward ensuring that health insurance markets attract a broad cross section of risk, a cornerstone to any viable health insurance market, according to insurance …

Why Chief Justice Roberts Saved Obama’s Healthcare Law

In the end, it all came down to Chief Justice John Roberts, the sphinx in the center chair, who in a stunning decision wove together competing rationales to uphold President Barack Obama’s healthcare plan. Roberts’ action instantly upended the conventional …

Supreme Court to Deliver Obama Healthcare Ruling

The U.S. Supreme Court is set to deliver on Thursday its ruling on President Barack Obama’s 2010 healthcare overhaul, his signature domestic policy achievement, in a historic case that could hand him a huge triumph or a stinging rebuke just …

Supreme Court Hears More Healthcare Law Arguments

The fate of President Barack Obama’s healthcare overhaul will be on the line on Wednesday when the U.S. Supreme Court considers whether the entire law must fall without its centerpiece insurance mandate. Completing three days of historic arguments, the nine …

Supreme Court Begins Healthcare Law Debate

Two years after President Barack Obama signed into law a healthcare overhaul, the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday took up a historic test of whether it is valid under the country’s Constitution. The sweeping law intended to transform healthcare for …

6 Ways Supreme Court Could Rule on Healthcare Law

The Supreme Court has several options in ruling on President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul, from upholding the law to striking it down in its entirety. The court also could avoid deciding the law’s constitutionality at all, if it finds …