Indonesia News

Industry Responds to Relief Efforts for Southeast Asia Tsunami Victims

The Southeast Asia tsunami disaster has affected the lives and hearts of people throughout the world. What can only be described as one the worst natural disasters in history has led to an estimated death toll of 226,000, and countless …

280,000 Latest Tsunami Death Toll

A month after the devastating tsunamis struck Southeast Asia the death toll continues to rise. The latest figures from Indonesia’s Health Minister Fadilah Supari, as reported by the BBC, now estimate that at least 220,000 people perished on the island …

The Asian Catastrophe: An Unprecedented Event Evokes a Global Response

Certain events mark each generation, but as the scope of the disaster that struck 12 countries around the Indian Ocean on Dec. 26 emerges, it has become evident that it will haunt not just the present generation, but many future …

SE Asia Death Toll Tops 220,000

More than three weeks after the devastating tsunamis struck 12 countries bordering the Indian Ocean, the death toll continues to rise, as hope for the missing fades. Indonesian officials announced that more than 166,000 people had now been confirmed dead …

Crawford & Co., GAB Robins Adjusters See Tsunami Destruction Up Close

While the official death toll may never be known, the reaction to last month’s killer earthquake and tsunamis in Southeast Asia continues. Insurance Journal recently spoke with several individuals whose companies have seen the death and destruction up close. Crawford …

Southeast Asia Tsunami Caused Havoc on Marine Fisheries, Aquaculture Infrastructure

The tsunami waves have had a devastating impact on the fisheries sector in many countries of the Indian Ocean, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) said Thursday. In Sri Lanka, more than 7,500 fishers have been …

UN Needs Aid Pledges Fulfilled ASAP; Warns on Neglecting Other Crises

More than 50 countries have pledged massive amounts of aid to help the victims of the Indian Ocean tsunamis, but the majority of the actual payments are apparently slow in coming. The UN is currently hosting a donor conference in …

Swiss Re Announces Aid Measures for SE Asia

Swiss Re announced that both the company and its employees “are actively supporting the relief initiatives to help the victims of the seaquake tragedy in the Indian Ocean and to aid the rebuilding of the worst hit areas.” The company …

Tsunami Death Toll Rises as Indonesian Casualties Increase

As U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan toured the devastation on tsunami-battered Sumatra island Friday, officials raised the Indonesian death toll by 7,000. The added deaths brought the total killed in the Dec. 26 earthquake and tsunamis in several countries to more …

AXA Announces SE Asia Relief Effort; Will Match Employee Donations to $1.35 Million

France’s AXA Group has announced plans to aid the victims of the tsunamis that struck Southeast Asia. “Faced with the scale of human tragedy that has impacted the countries of Southeast Asia in the wake of the tsunami disaster of …