infrastructure risks News

Tesla Arson Case Shows Need to Protect Power Grid, Says German Utility Westenergie

German policymakers should team up with power grid operators to improve the response to incidents such as the arson attack near Tesla’s gigafactory, said the head of regional utility Westenergie. Security measures needed reviewing and a better legal framework created, …

German Industry Sounds Alarm on Infrastructure Security After Tesla Attack

German industry called for better protection of critical infrastructure on Wednesday after a suspected arson attack by leftist activists on Tesla’s gigafactory outside Berlin halted production until further notice. Security officials cleared the Tesla site on Tuesday after what CEO …

States and Congress Wrestle With Cybersecurity at Water Utilities

The tiny Aliquippa water authority in western Pennsylvania was perhaps the least-suspecting victim of an international cyberattack. It had never had outside help in protecting its systems from a cyberattack, either at its existing plant that dates to the 1930s …

North Carolina Attack Shows Fragility of U.S. Power Grids, Experts Say

The attacks that left two electrical substations in North Carolina riddled with gunfire and knocked out power to 45,000 homes and businesses underscores the fragility of US grids, experts said Monday. The FBI is investigating the assault that extensively damaged …

Spanish Insurer MAPFRE Teams with China Re on Belt & Road Initiative Cover

Spanish insurer MAPFRE said it has signed a memorandum of understanding with China Re to insure infrastructure within the belt and road initiative promoted by China. The two said they will collaborate on insuring investments related to the Belt and …

How Real-Time Bridge Monitoring Sensors Work to Detect Structural Defects

Along with flying cars and instantaneous teleportation, smart bridges, roads and subway lines that can send out warnings when they’re damaged are staples of futuristic transportation systems in science fiction. U.S.-based Sandia National Laboratories has worked with Structural Monitoring Systems, …

Insurance Underwriters See Risks, Opportunities in Speeding Up Infrastructure Projects

“We’re going to cut a lot of red tape,” President Trump said at a CEO town hall meeting as he unrolled a long, colorful flow chart showing the process required for a state government to obtain the federal permits necessary …

Costly Business Disruptor: Aging U.S. Infrastructure

When a train jumped the tracks this past week at New York’s Penn Station, the seemingly minor accident led to a cascade of exasperating delays for hundreds of thousands of commuters. When a flood forced authorities to condemn a one-lane, …