Institute of International Finance (IIF) News

Chief Risk Officers Say Cybersecurity Most Pressing Risk: Survey

In an inaugural EY/Institute of International Finance (IIF) global insurance risk management survey, cybersecurity was ranked as the highest concern for chief risk officers. CROs surveyed said the top five risk types or risk management types for the coming year …

Financial Repression’s Unintended Consequences: Swiss Re Market Consensus

Swiss Re has issued a statement, following a meeting with senior private and public sector market participants on June 16, entitled “Financial repression โ€“ the unintended consequences.” The statement said that in order to “identify the most concerning implications,” Swiss …

IIF Report Concludes Capital Curbs on Insurers Will Add to Government Burden

Proposed curbs on insurers aimed at preventing a repeat of AIG’s 2008 taxpayer bailout could raise the cost of insurance, making more people dependent on the state, a finance sector lobby group said. “As currently designed, there is a high …