Insurance CEOs News

EPIC RRG Names Billingham CEO

The Board of Governors of Emergency Physicians Insurance Company (EPIC), a California-based medical professional liability insurance provider, has elected Graham Billingham president and CEO. Billingham is a 25-year veteran emergency physician and has been with EPIC for six years. He …

Pinnacol CEO Recognized by City Business Journal

Ken Ross, president and CEO of Denver-based Pinnacol Assurance, has been selected as the 2010 Denver Business Journal Power Book recipient in the Health Care Category. The Power Book recognizes top business leaders in 13 categories across the state of …

Aetna CEO: Don’t Repeal Obamacare

Any efforts to halt progress on implementing the nation’s healthcare overhaul or to freeze funding are a step in the wrong direction even though some changes are needed, the president of Aetna Inc. told Reuters Wednesday. Republicans, who made gains …

Insurance Pricing Cycle Due for a Change, Berkley CEO Says

It’s time for a change in the property/casualty insurance pricing cycle, says William R. Berkley, founder, chairman and CEO of the W.R. Berkley Corp., and he’s “optimistic” that the cycle will turn sooner rather than later. Speaking at NAPSLO’s annual …

Ex-AIG CEO Found Liable in 1 of 2 Reinsurance Transactions

A New York judge held former American International Group Inc. Chief Executive Maurice “Hank” Greenberg liable for damages on a reinsurance transaction that state Attorney General Andrew Cuomo said helped the insurer hide losses. New York State Supreme Court Justice …

Ex-AIG CEO Found Liable in 1 of 2 Reinsurance Transactions

A New York judge held former American International Group Inc. CEO Maurice “Hank” Greenberg liable for damages on a reinsurance transaction that state Attorney General Andrew Cuomo said helped the insurer hide losses. New York State Supreme Court Justice Charles …

AIG Announces Contingency Plan for CEO Benmosche

The board of bailed-out insurer American International Group on Wednesday said Chairman Steve Miller would become interim chief executive if CEO Bob Benmosche is sidelined by his cancer treatment. AIG said on Monday that Benmosche had cancer and was receiving …

Investors Wait to See If AIG CEO Benmosche Must Step Aside

American International Group Inc. may need a successor for Chief Executive Robert Benmosche sooner than it expected, but experts say it is not clear who that would be or how long they would be in charge. AIG said Monday that …

Amica CEO DiMuccio Elected Chair Of Insurer Group PCI

The Property Casualty Insurers Association of America (PCI) elected new officers to its Board of Governors during its annual meeting examining in Colorado Springs. Robert A. DiMuccio, chairman, president and chief executive officer, Amica Mutual Insurance Co., was elected as …

AIG CEO Benmosche Battling Cancer

American International Group Inc. Chief Executive Robert Benmosche appears to be taking on one of the toughest battles of his life in his inimitable scrappy style. AIG said Monday that its 66-year-old CEO had cancer and was undergoing “aggressive chemotherapy.” …