insurance commissioner race News

Mississippi Insurance Commissioner Being Challenged in Upcoming Primary

Second-term Mississippi Insurance Commissioner Mike Chaney is being challenged in the Republican primary by John Mosley, a body shop owner who says insurance companies have gotten away with paying for less-than-perfect replacement parts to repair damaged vehicles. Chaney supporters criticize …

Ex-Senate Candidate to Run for North Carolina Insurance Commissioner

Unsuccessful 2014 U.S. Senate candidate Heather Grant says she’ll run for North Carolina insurance commissioner in 2016. Grant of Wilkes County announced Friday she will seek the Republican Party’s nomination for the job. Current Democratic incumbent Wayne Goodwin has served …

Kansas House Chairman Running for Insurance Post

The Kansas House Insurance Committee’s longtime chairman is running for insurance commissioner, becoming the fourth declared candidate for next year’s Republican primary. Rep. Clark Shultz of McPherson said that one of his main goals as commissioner would be ensuring that …