insurance institute for highway safety News

Autobrake Performance Dips After Sundown

A nighttime test of pedestrian automatic emergency braking (AEB) systems to address the high percentage of pedestrian crashes that occur on dark roads has been introduced by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS). Four of the first 23 midsize …

How Autonomous Car Companies Are Outrunning U.S. Regulators and Lawmakers

Self-driving vehicle companies from Tesla Inc. to General Motors Co.’s Cruise are racing to start making money with their technology, outrunning efforts by regulators and Congress to write rules of the road for robot-driven vehicles. On Tuesday, Cruise said that …

Nevada Lawmakers Raise Concerns Over Speed Camera Bill

Nevada lawmakers have expressed concern over legislation that would give governments the ability to install red light and speed cameras to capture traffic violations. Senate Majority Leader Kelvin Atkinson raised concerns this week that the enforcement cameras will first appear …

South Carolina Officials, MADD Push Stricter DUI Legislation

South Carolina officials have joined members of Mothers Against Drunk Driving in support of stricter DUI legislation. Gov. Henry McMaster, law enforcement and some members of the General Assembly joined that group Feb. 12 on the Statehouse grounds in support …

Florida Lawmakers to Reconsider Texting While Driving Ban

Florida Highway Patrol Sgt. Mark Wysocky says it is hard to separate texting drivers from drunken drivers as he cruises down a suburban interstate highway. Both weave. They speed up and slow down for no obvious reason and get too …

How Drivers Dress-Up Old Cars with New Safety Tech

Old cars can learn new tricks. For a few hundred dollars, drivers can add new safety technology — like forward collision warning systems or backup cameras — to older cars. Cars are lasting longer than ever thanks to improving quality. …

Montana Bill Would Overturn Bans on Using Cellphones While Driving

A Great Falls, Mont. lawmaker has introduced a bill that would prevent local governments from placing bans on talking or texting on a cellphone while driving. Republican Rep. Jeremy Trebas tells the Great Falls Tribune that studies have not shown …

IIHS Study Finds Rearview Cameras Can Reduce Backing Crashes

Rearview cameras are expected to prevent nearly one-in-six police-reported backing crashes, an Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) study has found. The IIHS is an Arlington, Virginia, headquartered independent, nonprofit research and communications organization dedicated to reducing highway crash deaths, …

What Happens When Golf Carts Hit the Streets

At retirement communities from California to Florida, golf carts have become a way of life. They’re energy-efficient, cheaper to buy and maintain than regular cars, and, seniors say, fun to drive. For many, they’re the main way to get from …

Controversial Red Light Cameras Save Lives: IIHS

Red-light cameras are widely hated, but a new study says getting rid of them can have fatal consequences. Traffic deaths from red-light-running crashes go up by nearly a third after cities turn off cameras designed to catch motorists in the …