insurance jobs News

Southeast Insurance Employment: Agency, Carrier Plans Brighten Picture

Those interested in new or better positions in insurance might want to grab their suntan lotion and head to the Southeast. They might also want to brush up on their Spanish. The unemployment rate remains higher in key Southeast states …

West Insurance Employment: California Job Market to Stay Soft

The phrase “Go west young man,” may not apply so well to the insurance industry in the nation’s most populous state. An examination of Bureau of Labor Statistics and Economic Development Department data for California shows hiring for the insurance …

Insurance Employment Report: Jobs Outlook Improving, Slowly

Looking for work can be an exhausting, soul-draining endeavor during the best of economic times. It goes without saying that job searching is considerably more challenging these days, when the U.S. unemployment rate is still hovering above eight percent, with …

East Insurance Employment: Hiring Is ‘Slightly Elevated’ in 2012

The insurance employment market in the East and Northeast regions — as in most other parts of the country — can be summed up the following way: hiring is “slightly elevated” compared to last year, but there is still a …

Survey: 51% of Insurers Expect to Increase Staff in 2012

A new study says 51 percent of the insurance carriers recently surveyed expect to increase staff in the next 12 months. But it’s not all good news: the survey also found that 19 percent of the carriers expect to reduce …