insurance linked securities (ILS) News

Insurance Linked Securities Move from ‘Alternative’ to Mainstream: WTW Survey

The insurance-linked securities (ILS) market is here to stay, said a new survey from Willis Towers Watson. End investors, ILS funds, and buyers – the three groups active in ILS – have predominantly weathered 2017 loss activity and accept that …

AGCS Divides Alternative Risk Transfer Team into 2 Units, Led by Boyd and Hohmann

In line with the growing importance of non-traditional insurance solutions for global businesses, Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty (AGCS) announced it is reshaping its Alternative Risk Transfer (ART) business into two new specialist teams. With effect from Nov. 1, 2018, …

Iran Eyes Introduction of Insurance-Linked Securities as Alternative to Reinsurance

Iran is developing a range of new financial products, from Islamic bonds to warrants and insurance-linked securities, in an effort to give local firms more funding options as sanctions put pressure on the economy. The Iranian rial has plunged 70 …

Is the Reinsurance Cycle Dead or Just Dormant? Executives Discuss New Realities

Many reinsurance executives have been left scratching their heads in surprise after last year’s natural catastrophes, which cost a whopping $100 billion but ended up having very little impact on rates. The insurance and reinsurance market isn’t behaving as it …

ILS Market Could Bear 20% of Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Marie Loss: A.M. Best

The insurance-linked securities (ILS) market potentially could bear up 20 percent of the insured losses generated by Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Marie, according to an A.M. Best report. These three hurricanes during a two-month period in 2017 now serve as …

ILS Issuance in H1 Tops $7B, Reflecting Capital Markets’ Re/Insurance Appetite: Swiss Re

The first half of 2018 aptly demonstrated that the insurance-linked securities (ILS) market has an undiminished appetite to provide re/insurance protection – despite last year’s expensive insured natural catastrophe losses, according to Swiss Re Institute’s sigma publication While not quite …

Extraordinary Re’s Extraordinary Idea for Trading Insurance Risks Like Stocks

Imagine there’s a way for institutional investors to trade insurance risks much like they trade stocks. Well, imagine no more. A new and unique reinsurer, Extraordinary Re, has hit upon the novel idea of creating a trading platform run by …

Catastrophe Bonds – A to Z

A reader of this publication, the president of an insurance agency, recently wrote to say he kept hearing about catastrophe bonds but had little knowledge of what they were. He was curious if these instruments would replace traditional reinsurance and …

Casualty: The Next ILS Frontier?

Executive Summary: While progress has been made in the development of casualty insurance-linked securities (ILS), there still is significant work to do, says Aaron C. Koch of Milliman, who discusses some of the key structural and product design questions that …

Willis Towers Watson Moves ILS from Securities to Reinsurance Unit

Willis Towers Watson is making changes to its insurance linked securities (ILS) business. The ILS business, which was previously part of the its securities business unit, will be integrated into Willis Re. William Dubinsky will continue to lead the ILS …