insurance linked securities (ILS) News

One Catastrophe Won’t Scare Away Alternative Capital: S&P Panelists

Catastrophe bond and insurance-linked securities (ILS) issuance have surged to record levels this year thanks to the continuing influx of alternative capital into the reinsurance market, leaving credit analysts and industry executives with questions about the challenges and benefits this …

Swiss Re CFO Warns Cat Bond Yields May Attract Inexperienced Buyers

Swiss Re’s new Chief Financial Officer, David Cole, said high yields for insurance-linked securities [ILS], such as catastrophe bonds, may lure inexperienced buyers not prepared for the risks they carry. “The fact that no major natural catastrophes have occurred over …

P/C Reinsurance Market Softer Due to Alternative Capital: Execs

A new survey from Towers Watson confirms that more than half (55 percent) of property/casualty insurance chief financial officers believe the property reinsurance market is softer than the primary market, while about one-third (34 percent) deem that the same is …

Alternative Capital Softening P&C Reinsurance Market: Towers Watson CFO Survey

A new survey from Towers Watson confirms that “over half (55 percent) of property & casualty (P&C) insurance chief financial officers (CFOs) believe the property reinsurance market is softer than the primary market, while more than one-third (34 percent) deem …

Argo Re Forms Partnership with Horseshoe Group for ILS Market

The Bermuda-based Argo Group International Holdings announced that its Bermuda-based reinsurance company, Argo Re, Ltd., has entered into an agreement with Horseshoe Re Limited that will expand its reinsurance product offerings to meet the growing demands of the Insurance Linked …

Reinsurance at Crossroads As New Factors Sweep Away Old Habits

Part I – The Market in the Developed Economies A significant number of reinsurance treaties were renewed this month, heavily concentrated in property catastrophe coverage. It’s become apparent, however, that this market, for a number of reasons, has seen changes …

Cat Bond Coverage Reaches Record $20 Billion: Aon Benfield ILS study

In its latest report Aon Benfield Securities, the investment banking division of global reinsurance intermediary and capital advisor Aon Benfield, noted that the fourth quarter of 2014 continued to see more Insurance-Linked Securities [ILS]. Eight catastrophe bonds closed during the …

Bond Managers Gain as Pension Funds Flock to Catastrophe Risk

Funds specializing in insurance-linked risks such as catastrophe bonds are benefiting as the $30 trillion pension industry increases bets in a market that hasn’t posted an annual loss. At Leadenhall Capital Partners in London, assets under management have doubled to …

Investors to Double Catastrophe Bonds by 2018: BNY Mellon

The amount of insurance-linked securities outstanding may reach $150 billion by the end of 2018 as institutional investors including pension funds search for yield, Bank of New York Mellon Corp. said in a report. Of the total insurance-linked securities market, …

Reinsurers Get Down to Business in Baden-Baden; Willis Re Chairman Comments

“I don’t think there have been any big changes between Monte Carlo and Baden-Baden,” said James Vickers, chairman of Willis Re International. This isn’t that surprising, given that the two reinsurance meetings are only a little more than a month …