Insurance Pricing News

State Farm Files Request for California Rate Increase

Reflecting the general upward trends in the cost of property and liability insurance claims, State Farm General Insurance Co. has filed a request for an average statewide 6.9 percent rate increase with the California Department of Insurance. The rate filing …

Michigan Nixes Rate Hike Request from Insurer of Last Resort

Michigan’s Office of Financial and Insurance Regulation (OFIR) Commissioner Ken Ross recently issued an order disapproving a rate filing for Michigan Basic Property and Insurance Association (Michigan Basic), the insurer of last resort for homeowners’ insurance in Michigan. If approved, …

Mississippi Coast Insurance Rates Nearing Pre-Katrina Levels

Collaboration between Mississippi Insurance Commissioner Mike Chaney, the state Legislature, Gov. Haley Barbour and the Mississippi Windstorm Underwriting Association has managed to return Gulf Coast insurance premiums to nearly pre-Katrina levels. According to the Mississippi Windstorm Underwriting Association, also known …

State Farm Files Request for California Rate Increase

Reflecting the general upward trends in the cost of property and liability insurance claims, State Farm General Insurance Co. has filed a request for an average statewide 6.9 percent rate increase with the California Department of Insurance. The rate filing …

Mass. Denies Hike in FAIR Plan Home Insurance Rates

Massachusetts insurance officials have blocked a 13.2 percent statewide rate hike by the state’s residual market home insurer. The decision by Insurance Commissioner Nonnie S. Burnes also kills a 25 percent increase in coastal homeowners’ insurance rates that was part …

Disasters May Drive up Insurance Rates in Oklahoma, Commissioner Says

Oklahomans may pay more for insurance because of natural disasters associated with changes in climate around the world, the state insurance commissioner said. Insurance Commissioner Kim Holland remarked at the third annual Oklahoma Climate and Loss Mitigation Conference at the …

Consumer Group Alleges New Rules Will Raise Insurance Rates in Calif.

A consumer group this week accused California Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner of adopting emergency regulations that would lead to higher rates for auto, homeowner and most other types of insurance coverage. In a sternly worded letter, Consumer Watchdog founder Harvey …

Disasters May Drive Up Insurance Rates in Okla., Commissioner Says

Oklahomans should get ready to pay more for insurance because of natural disasters associated with changes in climate around the world, the state insurance commissioner said. Insurance Commissioner Kim Holland told those at the third annual Oklahoma Climate and Loss …

Auto Exempted from Colorado Fair Accountable Insurance Rates Act

After more than five hours of testimony and deliberation on Colorado House Bill 1389, the House Business Affairs and Labor Committee has amended a controversial bill that insurance associations said would have imposed a prior approval regulatory system on insurance. …

Texas Regulators Explain State Farm Homeowners Rate Hike

In its “Straight Talk About Insurance” column on its Web site, the Texas Department of Insurance has updated information on the decision to approve an increase in State Farm Insurance Company’s homeowners insurance rate. On March 31, 2008, the TDI …