Insurer investing News

Goldman Survey: Insurers Favoring Private Equity Over Hedge Funds

Insurers want to put more money into private equity this year while scaling back on hedge funds, a survey by Goldman Sachs Asset Management showed on Wednesday. Private equity was the most-favored asset class for insurers seeking to increase investment …

Goldman Eyes More Business From Europe’s Insurers With Barclays Hire

Goldman Sachs has poached Barclays’ insurance banker Marguerite Bion to win more business from Europe’s biggest insurers as industry consolidation heats up amid anemic profitability and tightening regulation. Bion, who started her career at Citigroup in 2001 and spent the …

California Organized Investment Network Launches High Impact Service for Insurers

The California Organized Investment Network has launched the Impact Investment Marketplace, a portal to help facilitate high impact investments in underserved communities and environmental projects in California. The marketplace links those seeking capital for community development investments with insurers looking …