Insurers News

N.Y. insurer compensates credit report breach victims

New York Attorney General Andrew M. Cuomo has negotiated a settlement affecting nearly 400 New York consumers whose credit reports were unlawfully accessed by an insurance company. Under the settlement, Administrators for the Professions Inc. (AFP), a New York insurance …

La. Citizens CEO Hospitalized, Consultants to Take Over Insurer

Private consultants will take over management of Louisiana’s state-controlled insurer of last resort after the firm’s outgoing chief physically collapsed and its chief financial officer resigned. Terry Lisotta, secretary of Louisiana Citizens Property Insurance Corp., collapsed April 4 at the …

Insurers Support Tax-Free Savings Accounts for Natural Disasters

Legislation that would allow homeowners to set up tax-free savings accounts for natural disasters would go a long way toward encouraging them to prepare for catastrophes, according to a national insurer group. A proposal introduced last week by Reps. Tom …

Insurer Must Pay for Boy’s Breast Reduction Surgery, N.Y. Court Rules

An insurer that refused to pay for a teenage boy’s breast reduction on the grounds that it was cosmetic surgery must reimburse his father for the operation, an appeals court in New York has ruled. The Supreme Court’s Appellate Division …

S&P Says Credit Insurer Atradius Ratings ‘Unaffected by Combination’

Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services said that its “ratings and outlook on Netherlands-based credit insurance group Atradius (main operating entities are rated A/Stable/–) and Spain-based credit insurer Compañía Española de Seguros y Reaseguros de Crédito y Caución S.A. (A/Stable/–) are …

Study: Time is Right for Insurers to Improve Mobile Strategies

New research from research and advisory services firm TowerGroup finds the time is right for U.S. property and casualty claims insurers to aggressively exploit the business benefits of an enterprise mobility strategy. While using mobile solutions for settling claims is …

Insurers Blast Florida Report on Education, Job Rating

Florida insurers are hammering a Florida Office of Insurance Regulation report on the use of occupation and education for rating of auto insurance policies, calling the report’s claims that the use of these factors unfairly affects lower income and minority …

Insurers Support Limited Wind Pool Expansion in S.C.

Insurers have expressed support for a limited expansion of South Carolina’s wind insurance pool, as long as the state entity remains a market of last resort and does not offer rates that are competitive with private insurers. The S.C. Senate …

London Boroughs Form First Local Mutual Insurer in 100 Years

London is a huge city. 7,500,000 million people live within its city limits and over 14 million in the greater Metropolitan area. Sometimes bigger isn’t necessarily better. That appears to be the impetus behind the formation of the first “local …

Insurer Sues Le-Nature, Says Pa. CEO Lied on Liability Form

A New Jersey-based insurance company has sued the bankrupt bottled water maker Le-Nature’s Inc. and its former CEO, alleging that the executive lied in an application for a policy meant to protect him from legal costs. Federal Insurance Co. filed …