Insurers News

China Insurers Dodge Financial Crisis Bullet, But Risks Loom

China’s 3 trillion yuan ($440 billion) insurance industry was largely insulated from the U.S. subprime crisis that battered AIG and other foreign firms, but the fallout poses the toughest challenge in a decade as profits tumble and demand for insurance …

IAG increases Stake in Malaysian General Insurer AmAssurance

Insurance Australia Group Limited announced that it is increasing its interest in the general insurance business of AmAssurance, its joint venture in Malaysia, from 30 percent to 49 percent, and at the same time exiting the life insurance part of …

New York Warns Insurers about Some Homeowners’ Cancellations

New York’s Department of Insurance has this advice for insurers in the Empire State: Stop canceling homeowners’ policies simply because a house in unoccupied. That announcement came in the form a circular letter – essentially, an advisory bulletin to insurers …

Florida Workers’ Compensation Insurers Seek 8.9% Rate Hike Due to Court Ruling

A Florida Supreme Court ruling has resulted in a request to raise workers compensation rates by 8.9 percent. The National Council on Compensation Insurance filed the request, citing last month’s ruling in which justices struck down a cap on fees …

Lloyd’s Conference Finds Progress in Insurers Efforts on Climate Change

Over 100 representatives from the financial services sector met at Lloyd’s on Nov. 24 to listen to what the insurance industry has been doing to combat climate change. The conference, held for the first time this year, is part of …

Treasury Undecided Over Federal Bailout Funds for Life Insurers

Life insurance companies, nervous over massive investment losses that could ultimately threaten their viability, are hoping they are next in line to get a piece of the U.S. financial bailout. They argue federal funds could stabilize their trillions in investments …

Insurer Sees Big Spike in Employee Giving in Food Drive for Needy

Insurer Main Street America Group says it has collected more than a ton of non-perishable goods during its annual Thanksgiving food drive. Just in time for the holiday season, the food items have been donated to several food banks located …

In Florida, Insurers Thankful No Major Hurricane Tested State Fund

As the 2008 Atlantic hurricane season officially comes to a close this on Nov. 30, Florida can be thankful for being spared from any major hurricane strike again this season. However, the dangers hurricanes present and the financial ramifications facing …

New York Reminds Insurers They Must Treat All Married Couples Equally

Insurance companies must treat same-sex couples in New York who were legally married outside the state the same as any other validly married couples, irrespective of the sex of the spouses, Insurance Superintendent Eric Dinallo said in a bulletin to …

Oklahoma Physician Liability Insurer Declares Policyholder Dividends

Oklahoma City-based Physicians Liability Insurance Company (PLICO), announced it is declaring a dividend for its 2008 policyholders who renew their policies for 2009. The dividend will be either 3 percent or 6 percent of the 2008 premium and the amount …