Insuring Cannabis Summit 2021 News

Insuring Cannabis Summit: Tribal Cannabis Broker in Lonely, Rewarding Space

This is part of a series of articles from Insurance Journal’s annual Insuring Cannabis Summit on Oct. 14. You can find more articles from the summit at the bottom of this one. Having a niche makes one unique, an expert …

Insuring Cannabis Summit: Broker Who Fought Cancer Sees Hope in Cannabis Business

This is part of a series of articles from Insurance Journal’s annual Insuring Cannabis Summit on Oct. 14. You can find more articles from the summit at the bottom of this one. Sabrina Alkire is a broker who it can …

Insuring Cannabis Summit: What Will the Market Look Like 5 Years from Now?

This is part of a series of articles from Insurance Journal’s annual Insuring Cannabis Summit on Oct. 14. You can find more articles from the summit at the bottom of this one. The green rush, a term for talent crossing …

Insuring Cannabis Summit: Brokers Advise on EPLI, Exclusions, Lounges, Labs

This is part of a series of articles from Insurance Journal’s annual Insuring Cannabis Summit on Oct. 14. You can find more articles from the summit at the bottom of this one. Employee practice liability insurance, exclusions, onsite lounges, testing …

Insuring Cannabis Summit: Too Many Operators View Coverage as Compliance Check Box

This is part of a series of articles from Insurance Journal’s annual Insuring Cannabis Summit on Oct. 14. You can find more articles from the summit at the bottom of this one. One big reason carriers aren’t offering a broad …

Insuring Cannabis Summit: More Market Growth Through the Year and Beyond

This is part of a series of articles from Insurance Journal’s annual Insuring Cannabis Summit on Oct. 14. You can find more articles from the summit at the bottom of this one. Cannabis literally beat COVID-19. After being declared an …

Insuring Cannabis Summit: Capacity Still a Centerpiece of Concern

There is little surprise when a conversation about cannabis and insurance turns to the subject of capacity. “Really when it comes to cultivation, processing, there is a bit of a hiccup, it seems in the overall market space, I think …