intellectual property News

U.S. Trade Rep Sees Progress on Pacific Trade Pact

The final form of an ambitious Pacific trade pact is coming into focus, U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman said on Tuesday as he urged Congress get behind the U.S. trade agenda. In remarks prepared for delivery to key congressional committees, …

Washington Artist’s ‘Angry Birds’ Lawsuit Goes Forward

A federal judge has refused to dismiss a lawsuit brought by a Seattle, Wash. artist who designed a line of plush pet toys called “Angry Birds.” Juli Adams designed the plush “Angry Birds” toys in 2006 for The Hartz Mountain …

Technology Firms Having Success Against ‘Patent Trolls’

For two decades, companies that buy software patents to sue technology giants have been the scourge of Silicon Valley. Reviled as patent trolls, they have attacked everything from Google’s online ads to Apple’s iPhone features, sometimes winning hundreds of millions …

CFC Underwriting Launches Intellectual Property Product

Specialist lines underwriting agency CFC has launched an intellectual property product focused on small and medium sized companies. The product can cover the costs associated with a number of intellectual property exposures including infringement. According to Erik Alsegard, Intellectual Property …

Duke University in Trademark Shootout with John Wayne Family

Bloomberg John Wayne Enterprises LLC, a family business set up to protect rights associated with the late movie actor, asked a federal court to declare that its trademarks don’t infringe those of Duke University. In a complaint brought July 3 …

Supreme Court Refines Software Patent Eligibility in Alice Case

The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that implementing an abstract idea using a computer does not make an invention patent eligible. On a 9-0 vote, the court ruled for CLS Bank International, which challenged patents held by Australia-based Alice …

Judge Grants Dow Jones Injunction Against ‘Hot News’ User of Its Content

Dow Jones & Co has won a court order to stop the London-based service Ransquawk from broadcasting its news content within seconds of publication, without permission, to traders and other subscribers. It is unclear how the permanent injunction granted late …

Adjuster Hunkers Down for Lengthy Battle with Nationwide Over ‘On Your Side’ Slogan

A Tennessee adjuster sued by Nationwide Insurance for alleged trademark infringement because he used the company’s slogan, On Your Side, in his firm’s name and marketing, is fighting back in court and on the web. Jeremy Snyder, owner of On …

Jury Affirms Samsung Must Pay Apple $119M in Damages for Patent Infringement

A U.S. jury on Monday left the total damages Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. must pay Apple Inc. unchanged at $119.6 million, after additional deliberations in a trial where the South Korean smartphone maker was found to have infringed three Apple …

Mississippi Extends Trade Secret Protections for Research

Mississippi lawmakers have extended trade-secret protections to universities and community colleges by exempting materials tied to any commercial, scientific or technical research from the state’s Open Records Act before the research is published. Gov. Phil Bryant signed House Bill 116, …