intellectual property News

China Higher Court Hears Apple’s iPad Trademark Claim

Lawyers for Apple Inc. argued for its right to use the iPad trademark in China on Wednesday, as a higher court began a crucial hearing that could result in sales of the wildly popular tablet computer being halted throughout the …

Social Media Patent War Looms as Yahoo Threatens Facebook

Yahoo has demanded licensing fees from Facebook for use of its technology, the companies said on Monday, potentially engulfing social media in the patent battles and lawsuits raging across much of the tech sector. Yahoo has asserted claims on patents …

Obama Budget Bolsters Intellectual Property Enforcement

The Obama administration has proposed hiring more prosecutors to pursue intellectual property crimes in the new budget as the entertainment industry pressures the U.S. Justice Department to crack down on copyright infringement and counterfeiting. The overall proposed 2013 budget for …

China’s Trademark System Baffles Foreign Firms

China’s trademark system is a minefield of murky rules and opportunistic “trademark squatters” that even the world’s biggest companies and their highly-paid lawyers find hard to navigate, as Apple and Facebook are the latest to find out. While Apple is …

Chinese Firm Claims It Owns Apple’s iPad Trademark

A Chinese tech firm that says it owns the iPad trademark, plans to seek a ban on exports of Apple Inc.’s computer tablets from China, a lawyer for the company said. If successful, the move could deal a blow to …

China Author Sues for Defamation Over Ghostwriting Claims

Celebrity author Han Han has filed a defamation lawsuit in Shanghai against a writer who alleges some of Han’s prolific works were penned by others. Han, a novelist and semiprofessional race-car driver popular among young Chinese, and muckraking science writer …

Congress May Revisit Online Piracy Bill After White House Criticism

Federal legislation aimed at curbing online piracy, which had appeared to be on a fast track for approval by Congress, appears likely to be scaled back or jettisoned entirely in the wake of critical comments over the weekend from the …

South Carolina Company Sues Ex-Worker Over Twitter Followers

An Internet company in South Carolina has sued one of its former employees, saying the worker cost the company thousands of dollars in lost business when he took 17,000 Twitter followers with him when he left the firm. PhoneDog LLC …

Facebook Settles Deceptive Practices, Privacy Breach Claims with FTC

Facebook has settled complaints that it disregarded its users’ privacy, agreeing to establish a raft of measures to better protect its 800 million members’ data. The settlement with the U.S. Federal Trade Commission on Tuesday will require Facebook to obtain …

Google Tells Congress Online Anti-Piracy Bill Goes Too Far

Google Inc. warned U.S. lawmakers on Wednesday that proposed legislation to crack down on foreign websites selling pirated U.S. movies, music or other counterfeit goods goes too far and could depress investment. The legislation has pit Internet giants, consumer groups …