interest-rate hedges News

Delta Lloyd Uncertainties Persist Amid Concern It May Need to Plug Capital Gap

Delta Lloyd NV extended a record decline on Tuesday after Goldman Sachs Group Inc. cut the shares to neutral amid concern the insurer may need to ask shareholders for funds to plug a capital gap. The stock plummeted 8.2 percent …

Delta Lloyd’s CFO Resigns After Court Upholds Fine for Information Abuse

Delta Lloyd NV Chief Financial Officer Emiel Roozen stepped down after a court upheld a central-bank decision fining the insurer for making trades based on confidential information. Supervisory Board Chairman Jean Frijns will also resign on Oct. 1, the Amsterdam-based …

Delta Lloyd Ordered to Dismiss CFO, Fined by Dutch Regulator

Delta Lloyd NV said the Dutch central bank ordered it to dismiss Chief Financial Officer Emiel Roozen by 2016 and fined the insurer for allegedly using confidential information when it cut interest-rate hedges in 2012. The shares plunged the most …