Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) News

UN Climate Report Seeks ‘Clear-Cut’ Economics to Guide Actions

A U.N. report about ways to fix global warming due on Sunday is likely to disappoint investors seeking clear-cut economic calculations about the benefits and costs of curbing rising greenhouse gas emissions. Authors say the report stops short of an …

Catlin’s Comments on IPCC Report Stress Need to Minimize Risks

The Bermuda-based Catlin Group Limited has issued a statement following the release of the latest report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a scientific intergovernmental body under the auspices of the United Nations. The organization’s Fifth Report on …

IPCC Concludes Climate Change is Irreversible, Effective Responses Needed

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has issued its latest report, which states bluntly that “the effects of climate change are already occurring on all continents and across the oceans. The world, in many cases, is ill-prepared for risks …

Extracting Carbon from Nature Can Aid Climate, but Will Be Costly: UN Report

A little-known technology that may be able to take the equivalent of China’s greenhouse gas emissions out of the carbon cycle could be the radical policy shift needed to slow climate change this century, a draft U.N. report shows. Using …

IPCC Japan Meeting Aims for ‘Comprehensive Assessment’ on Climate Change

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) announced that government representatives and scientists opened a five-day meeting today, which aims to “finalize a report assessing the impacts of climate change on human and natural systems, options for adaptation, and the …

United Nations Explores Climate Change Solutions; Urges Carbon Dioxide Removal

Governments may have to extract vast amounts of greenhouse gases from the air by 2100 to achieve a target for limiting global warming, backed by trillion-dollar shifts towards clean energy, a draft U.N. report showed on Wednesday. A 29-page summary …

Study Concludes Shift to a New Climate Likely by Mid-Century

Billions of people could be living in regions where temperatures are hotter than their historical ranges by mid-century, creating a “new normal” that could force profound changes on nature and society, scientists said on Wednesday. Temperatures in an average year …

Global Warming Slows as Fossil Fuel Emissions Rise to Record

Global warming has slowed since 1998 even though humans are spewing ever more greenhouse gases and are almost certainly to blame for damaging the atmosphere. That’s according to a 36-page summary of a report from a United Nations panel released …

Reforms Urged to Make UN Climate Reports Shorter, More Focused

Climate experts on a U.N. panel should focus more on shorter reports on specialist subjects such as extreme weather in a shift from sweeping overviews of the kind being prepared this week in Stockholm, many scientists and governments say. The …

Guy Carpenter Says ‘Global Warming’ a Reality – Citing IPCC Report

An article from Guy Carpenter states: “According to the IPCC Fourth Annual Assessment Report (AR4), the scientific consensus is that global warming is indeed an established scientific fact. The evidence is undeniable, and includes: 1. Increasing air temperatures 2. Increasing …